Travel Tips While On The Road




 Here are a few of our travel tips to make your trip fun and safe.

Before You Get On The Road

Get  Your Car Serviced
(make sure your car manual goes along)
If you are renting, make yourself familiar with the dashboard and other gadgets

Make Sure to Carry That Emergency Car Kit 
tools, flashlight, flares, fix a flat, cables, hazard lights etc...
(hopefully you won't need it)

Carry A Small First Aid Kit
(don't forget the disinfectant wipes)

Don't Forget Your Documents
(passports, driver's license, emergency contacts etc..)
Travel Journal 

Have a Plan, Allow Extra Time 
(write down the places of importance in order)

Make Sure You Have a Current Road Atlas
(know your map, everyone has navigation these days, but it sometimes fail us)

Look For Scenic Routes On The Map
(Great photos ops are on these routes)

Map Out Your Route
visit AAA 
or you can plan your trip on
Odd number interstates travel North and South
Even numbers run East and West
2 digit highways are direct routes
 3 digit highways are urban areas

Pack Light
(Lighten your load and increase your gas mileage)

 Medium Storage Cube
(store your easy to get to essentials)

While On The Road

Rest When Necessary
(don't overdo it)
Find Full Service Rest Stops

Stop At Welcome Centers
(pick up State/area maps, brochures etc..)

Always Have Cash For Tolls

Always Try to Avoid Rush Hour In Cities
(enter cities in the evening exit mornings)

Carry A Cooler
(pack water and healthy snacks)
Ok a small amount of junk foods in case of an emergency lol
Carry an extra gallon of water

Check These Sites Out For Food Spots
Explore The Backroads
(there's so much to be seen on those backroads)

While In An Area, Google What Interests You
(re: waterfalls, covered bridges, parks etc..)

Never Leave Anything Of Great Value in The Car

Don't Keep All Your Credit Cards/Documents in The Same Place

Keep Your Camera Within Reach
(don't miss that perfect shot)

Plan Your Night Lodging before 6pm
(use various apps on your phone)

Once You've Arrived

Map Out Your Day 
(its ok if you don't stick to it!)

Take Lots of Photos
(take a snapshot(sign) of what you're touring to refer to it later)

Find Something To Collect From Your Trip
(I collect magnets, Les collects shot glasses)
They are both light weight, inexpensive, don't take up a lot of space, and they make great conversations about your trip later.

Always Back Up Your Photos At The End Of The Day
(carry a portable hard drive or jump drive)

Check In Via Text or Call with a
 Family Member or Friend Each Night
(it's always smart to let them know your whereabouts)

Don't Forget 
Voltage Converter
Cell Phones
Camera Gear
Tablet or Laptop
Portable Hard Drive 
Spare Car Key
Easy On and Off Shoes
Travel Journal 

**Due to COVID-19 Please add**
Hand Sanitizer 
Anti Bacterial Wipes
Anti Bacterial Spray
Don’t Forget Your MASKS (take extras)

If you would like to share your tips with us,
 Please Email Us!!


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