Have You Passed South of the Border?

How many of us remember traveling North or South on Summer vacations and seeing all the signs leading to South of The Border?

 I would always fall asleep before we got to the South of the Border, I just knew it was something out of Fantasyland!  The signs begin miles and miles before you would even reach the area which made the anticipation even more.

 Well, now as an adult I realize, it is an adult heaven to stop, get gas, eat and pick up a few things. Great place to get fireworks legally if your state doesn't sell them.  A great stop for the kids to get out and unwind.

 But most of all take a pic with the one of the many Pedro statues they have all around!

 It's a must stop on your way down south or if you're headed north, how can you pass by South of the Border, it's a fixture on the South Carolina/North Carolina State lines!


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